Bits of Learning

Learning sometimes happens in big jumps, but mostly in little tiny steps. I share my baby steps of learning here, mostly on topics around programming, programming languages, software engineering, and computing in general. But occasionally, even on other disciplines of engineering or even science. I mostly learn through examples and doing. And this place is a logbook of my experiences in learning something. You may find several things interesting here: little cute snippets of (hopefully useful) code, a bit of backing theory, and a lot of gyan on how learning can be so much fun.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Orientation talk

As every year, there's going on the orientation programme for the new comers to Computer Science and Automation department in IISc. It follows the usual format of introducing the new students to various aspects of the department : coursework, research, labs, computing environments, administrative procedures etc.

I presented a talk on Software Engineering in CSA this thursday.

Here's the link to the slides.

It was late in the evening just before dinner. The audience looked tired, majority of which were the organisers, and very few new students. I had worked pretty hard in preparing those slides. But I got a very uninterested look in the faces of the members of the audience. I scurried through the talk in a resembling mood!

Nevertheless, I always look forward to talking to new students.

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